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A session on “Time Management” was conducted for the students of Diploma in People Skills programme of the Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya on the 09th of January 2020 at CPMG hall. The resource person of the session was Mr. Ibrahim Saleem, who is the Director - Supply Chain at Hayleys Advantis Limited.



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Senior Lecturer Dr. Ravi Dissanayake was appointed as the New Head of the Department of Marketing Management of the Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies, University of Kelaniya. The appointment letter was handed over to the Head by the Vice- chancellor, Prof. D.M. Semasinghe on 23th of December 2019 at the Vice- Chancellor’s Office. Present at the occasion were Senior Prof. Lakshman Senevirathna, Deputy Vice- chancellor, Senior Lecturer Dr. C.N. Wickaramasinghe, Head- Department of Commerce & Financial Management, academic staff members of Department of Marketing Management, Mr. W.M. Karunarathna, Registrar & Ms. A.L.M.S.D. Ambegoda, Deputy Registrar- Academic Establishment.

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"Rays of Hope", the annual USR endeavour organized by the Future Marketers Association of the Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya in collaboration with first year undergraduates was successfully held on 28th of November 2019 at Sri Vijaya Maha Vidyalaya Bulugahagoda, Ganemulla, Gampaha.

The aim of this endeavour was to enhance the knowledge of the students by renovating the library and donating books in order to create a better educational vicinity for the students to exact the proper and quality education.



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The Second Audition of “Stylish Marketer 2019”, the Inter University Fashion Show organized by the Future Marketers Association under the guidance of the Department of Marketing Management of University of Kelaniya, was successfully held on the 21st of September at Havelock City Clubhouse. The goal of this event is to enable young and talented undergraduates to obtain a first hand experience in the modelling and designing industries and enhance their personalities as professional models and designers.


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The First Model Audition of “Stylish Marketer 2019”, the Inter University Fashion Show organized by the Future Marketers Association under the guidance of the Department of Marketing Management of University of Kelaniya, was successfully held on the 7th of September at Hotel Clarion. The goal of this event is to enable young and talented undergraduates to obtain a first hand experience in the modeling industry and enhance their personalities as professional models 


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Lecturer Mr. Thilina Dk, Depatment of Marketing Management received his second consecutive Senate Awards at the ceremony held on the 22nd of August 2019 at the Senate Room of the University. Researchers whose papers were published in internationally recognized journals in 2018/19 were appreciated and the Senate Awards and Cash Prizes were awarded to the researchers by Prof. D.M. Semasinghe, Vice-Chancellor of the University. Moreover, Deans of Faculties, Heads of Departments and members of the Senate graced the event. 

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Another session of presenting Senate Awards and Cash Prizes to appreciate the researchers in the University of Kelaniya was held on the 24th of July 2019 at the Senate Room of the University. Researchers whose papers were published in internationally recognized journals in 2018/19 and researchers who received presidential awards in 2016 were appreciated and the Senate Awards and Cash Prizes were awarded to the researchers by Senior Prof. Lakshman Senevirathne, Deputy Vice- Chancellor of the university. Moreover, Deans of Faculties, Heads of Departments and members of the Senate graced the event. 

Lecturer Thilina DK & Lecturer Nisal Gunawardane, Department of Marketing Management received the Senate Awards at the ceremony for the publication "The effect of perceived risk on the purchase intention of electric vehicles: an extension to the technology acceptance model published in International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles 11(1):73. 

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Senior Lecturer Ms. Madhuri Fernando & Senior Lecturer Ms. Shanika Wijenayake, Department of Marketing Management received Senate Awards which is offered to appreciate the researchers in the University of Kelaniya whose papers were published in internationally recognized journals. They received the Senate awards on the 03rd of May 2019 at the Senate Room of the University for their publication: “Blinded by the sand of its burrowing? Examining fans’ intentions to follow one-day cricket on TV with a moderating effect of social influence” which is published in International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship with an impact factor of 0.622. 

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The Department of Marketing Management of the University of Kelaniya commenced the 4th cycle of its Higher Diploma in Marketing programme on 7th April, 2019. The inauguration ceremony was held at the Board room of Faculty of Management Studies (FCMS), University of Kelaniya with the distinguished presence of Dr. Naradha Fernando, the Dean of FCMS as the Chief Guest. The Guest of Honour was Mr. Roshan Rassool, Executive Director at Softlogic Plc, CEO at Softlogic Information systems (Pvt.) ltd.  The inauguration of the programme was presided over by Dr. Bandara Wanninayake former head of the Department of Marketing Management,The event was also graced by members of the academic staff including Coordinator of the Higher Diploma in Marketing Programme Mr. Thilina DK, 

The Higher Diploma in Marketing is a new qualification that emerged as a result of fulfilling the industry and academics needs of department of Marketing Management. DMM has figured out the potential of emerging trends in the marketing profession and advancing needs of the stakeholders. For the same, DMM conducts periodic curriculum revisions and needful developments to reach for the progressive levels for its fee levying programs. It has considered the prevailing policy framework and the relevant templates to do the programme restructuring aiming at providing opportunities for the learning partners to steer ahead. 


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