Volume 7 Issue 2
- Hits: 728
The Impact of ‘on the Job Training’ on Employee Performance: A Study of Production Assistants in Noritake Lanka (Pvt) Limited, Mathale, Sri Lanka
Nawarathna K. J. N. M. D. V.
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Open University of Sri Lanka
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Abeykoon M.W. M.
Small Enterprise Development Division, District Secretariat, Gampaha
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Harshani M. D. R.
Department of Human Resource Management, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
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In present business world a lot of entities tend to conduct training programs to the employees and expecting high level of performance from the employees. Hence the different kinds of training methods are used by the manufacturing sectors to train workforce. Although there are number of researches conducted in assessing the impact of training programs of manufacturing industry in other countries in Sri Lankan context research findings in this regard is limited. Therefore, the objective of the current study was to assess the impact of ‘employee on the Job Training on the performance of production assistants in Noritake Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. Matale, Sri Lanka
The independent variable and the dependent variable of this study were the level of on-the job training and the employee performance respectively. The reliability of the instruments was tested by using Cornbrash’s Alpha coefficient. The type of this study is hypothesis testing ant it was conducted in the natural setting with the minimum interference of the researcher. The study is a cross-sectional in time and the primary data were collected by using random sampling technique and sample size was 100 production assistant employees who are working in Noritake Lanka (Pvt) Ltd in Matale District. The unit analysis was at individual level. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire. The offline method was use to gather the data and the primary data set was used. The correlation and regressions methods were performed to test hypotheses and analyzed data.
Finding revealed that on-the-job training has a significant impact on employee performance. Correlation analysis shows that on-the-job training has a strong positive relationship on employee performance. As a significant factor, this would mean that it is very significant to pay a high attention regarding the on-the-job training methods, because it directly affects to the performance of the employees in addition to that proper and well-structured on-the-job training are required to meet with the desired outcomes of the organization. Plenty of benefits can be obtained from on-the-job training method for the both employees and the organization.
Keywords: Employee on the Job Training, Employee Performance, Production Assistants