Volume 7 Issue 2
- Hits: 1335
Conceptual Review: Research Epistemologies for Business Research
Manoj Jinadasa
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
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Roshan Priyankara
Postgraduate Student, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
This paper attempts to elaborate some aspects and specificities of different epistemologies in order to facilitate the researcher in determining which epistemology can be effectively applied for their research projects. First, this paper involves with discussing what epistemology contrary to the ontology is. Second this paper describes positivism, post- positivism, realism, critical realism and empirical realism, and Interpretivism as some of the key epistemologies that are used in the research projects.
Keywords: Critical Realism, Empirical Realism, Interpretivism, Positivism, Post- Positivism, Realism