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ICBI 2021 – Technical Forum ~ Moving Beyond Pandemic – Marketing in Digital Era
International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI) 2021 organized by the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka proudly presented its Technical Forum which is focused on exploring the risks and challenges faced by different industries in the face of new normal and then the next normal conditions with the unexpected catastrophic risks emanated through the Covid 19 pandemic situation. Accordingly, the Department of Marketing Management conducted the technical forum on the theme of “MOVING BEYOND PANDEMIC: MARKETING IN DIGITAL ERA”.
The eminent panel members of the session were Mr. Gamika De Silva, Assistant General Manager Sales, and Marketing, Seylan Bank PLC; Ms. Gayahthree Seneviratne, Strategic Account Manager, India & Sub-continent Amadeus Hospitality and Mr. Udara Dharmasena, VP – Client Success, Facebook at Roar Digital. The session was moderated by Prof. Ravi Dissanayake, Head – Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
The panelist discussed how the Covid-19 pandemic has shifted the mode of doing businesses mainly from offline context to online context and how the different businesses adapted to the changes happening in the environment. And also, the insights shared by the panel members of the session were very practical and such insights will undoubtedly be helpful to the businesses that are struggling in the contemporary business world. Finally, the Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya would like to extend their gratitude to the panel members who contributed by sharing their thoughts