Internship and Career Development Centre
Key Outcomes of Internship Programmes of FCMS
Internship programmes require sufficient practical experience to enable undergraduates to demonstrate that they have gained Intellectual & Ethical Thinking, Personal & Lifelong Learning, Adaptability & Flexibility, Interpersonal, Communication and Leadership, Networking and Social Skills, Organizational, Managerial & Entrepreneurship Skills, which are all necessary when performing the role of a Future Ready Business Manager.
Internship programmes of FCMS provide a professional environment in which aspiring business managers develop competencies by:
- being aware of the environment in which services are provided;
- enhancing their understanding of organizations, how business works, and professional work relationships;
- being able to relate respective works to other business functions and activities;
- developing the appropriate professional values, ethics and attitudes in practical, real-life situations;
- having an opportunity to develop at progressive levels of responsibility while under appropriate levels of supervision.
- inculcating an environment which facilitates continuous career and professional development.
Digital Internship System (DIS)
Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies (FCMS) is one of the Premier faculties at the University of Kelaniya, which functions with the mission of producing academically and professionally competent graduates to take up the managerial positions in organizations, create an entrepreneurial culture and also broaden the horizon of knowledge pertaining to the discipline of Commerce and Management. One of the salient features of each degree program awarded by the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies is the internship programme which is compulsory, credit bearing course unit that enhances the students’ technical and professional skills and employability. Internship programme requirements of each degree of FCMS are developed focusing on the International Education Standard (IES) 5 – “Initial Professional Development – Professional Experience”.
As such, FCMS established a separate center for Internship and Career Development to facilitate and monitor internship programs and enable the career development of the undergraduates and graduates of FCMS. This Centre was fully funded by the AHEAD Project, a world bank competitive grant received by FCMS in 2019.
It has introduced the first ever Digital Internship System in the Sri Lankan University System in year 2020 which facilitates reporting, retrieving and evaluating of all training records in electronic form within the system replacing the manual training records of all degree programmes at the faculty. Thereby, it enhances the quality and the standard of internship programmes and most importantly, it allows login to the Digital Internship System at anytime from anywhere.
Digital Internship System (
Central Internship and Graduate Database (CIGRAD)
Central Internship and Graduate Database (CIGRAD) is an information system of FCMS consists of unique, academically and professionally competent pool of undergraduates and graduates who are highly trained and developed in business management disciplines. CIGRAD has opened an immense opportunity for corporates to find competent and pragmatic employees to lead their business to the pinnacle of success. Thus, this database serves as a platform to link employable undergraduates and graduates with corporate world by giving the opportunity to apply renowned organizations not only local context but also in international context. Moreover, it is expected to further tighten and strengthen the university-industry collaborations in order to develop Future Ready Graduates.
Central Internship and Graduate Database (
Aims and objectives of the Internship and Career Development Centre:
The aims and objectives of the Internship and Career Development Centre are
- to enhance the quality and the sufficiency of internship programmes of each degree in the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies (FCMS).
- to enable the career development of undergraduates and graduates of FCMS.
Activities to be carried out through the Centre:
The following activities are to be carried out through Internship and Career Development Centre.
- Facilitate designing, executing, monitoring and evaluating the FCMS internship programmes.
- Enable smooth functioning of Digital Internship System (DIS) with continuous interaction with students, training supervisors and academic supervisors.
- Explore contemporary developments in the field of business management and address such developments in respective internship programmes.
- Design and execute the career development workshops/training programs for the undergraduates of FCMS.
- Facilitate smooth functioning of Central Internship and Graduate Database (CIGRAD) which provides the platform to link undergraduates and graduates of FCMS with renowned business entities/consultancy/practicing firms for internship and employment opportunities.
- Further strengthen the academic and the industry relationships and collaborations.