B.Com. (Kel’ya) , M.Com. (Panjab), Ph.D. (Aegean),
Professor in Accounting
Contact Details
Phone: +9411 2903655
Phone: +9411 2903655
Email: lal@kln.ac.lk
- Accounting
- Finance & Economics
Research Interests
Working Experiance
Senior Lecturer Grade I -1998 to date- University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Senior Lecturer Grade II- 1992-1998- University of Kelaniya
Assistant Lecturer- 1987-1992- University of Kelaniya
Manager- Grade vi- 1986-1987 Atomic Energy Authority of Sri Lanka
Development officer-1985-1987- Cooperatives Development Department of Sri Lanka, Government of Sri Lanka
Thilakerathne, P.M.C. 2009 “Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance in the Sri Lankan Context”, Journal of Social Sciences – Sri Lanka, A quarterly Review, Vol. 1, No.4, ISSN 2279-3224
Thilakarathne P.M.C. and Dilini Aruppala, 2013 “Lease Accounting Disclosure Practice of Non Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs) in Sri Lanka: A Lessor’s Perspective”, Kelaniya Journal of Management, Vol 2, No 1. http://www.sljol.info/index.php/KJM/article/view/6544
Thilakerathne P.M.C & Nalin Inidika Abeyratne, 2013 “Current context of using derivatives as risk management technique of Sri Lankan listed companies”, International Journal of Business andGeneral Management (IJBGM), ISSN(P): 2319-2267; ISSN(E): 2319-2275, Vol. 2, Issue 5, Nov 1-10.http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/issue.php?id=11693&id_issue=869466 or http://publicationslist.org/iaset.publish
Thilakerathne P.M.C. and Madurapperuma M.W. 2014/2 “An examination of accounting internship on subsequent academic performance” International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, Science Publishing Group, USA. http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ijefm.20140201.12.pdf
Thilakerathne P.M.C & Thirangani S.K.C. 2013 “A study on analysis of managerial attitudes towards ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system introduction and implementation process in Sri Lanka”, International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences ,Vol. 2, No. 2, 2014, pp. 123-131, , Science Publishing Group, USA. http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ijefm.20140202.12.pdf
Thilakerathne P.M.C & Alex A.A. Bruce, 2014 “ IPO Stocks Performance Imperfection: A Review of Models and Empirical Works”, American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, Vol.4, No.3. Scientific Research Publishing. http://file.scirp.org/Html/5-2120337_44047.htmand http://www.scirp.org/
Thilakerathne P.M.C & Alex A.A. Bruce, 2014 “Is IPOs trading enhanced with the advent of automated trading system? A look at the efficient market hypothesis”, International Journal of Business and Economics Research, 3 (2), pp. 72-81. http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ijber.20140302.14.pdf
Thilakerathne, P.M.C, 1998.“Emerging Stock Markets”: Review of Some Weighty Issues”, Working paper, Department of Business Administration, University of the Aegean, Chios, Greece.
Thilakerathne, P.M.C, 1999. “The Consolidation of Banking Services Industry: Experiences of Mergers and Acquisitions”, Working paper, Department of Business Administration, University of the Aegean, Chios, Greece.
Thilakerathne, P.M.C, 2000. “The Influence of the exchange rate on the Banking sector’s stock returns: Some evidence from the Greek and Sri Lankan stock markets”, Paper presented at an International Conference VII Congress of SIGEF, Decision making Under Uncertainty in the Global Environment of the 21st Century, Financial Engineering Laboratory, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece. http://gandalf.fcee.urv.es/sigef/english/congressos/frcongres7.html
Thilakerathne, P.M.C. 2006. “Development of Performance Measurement in the Sri Lankan University Sector: Case Study at a Study Programme Level”, paper presented at International Conference on Integrating Global Organizations: The Role of Performance Measurement Systems, University of Siena, Italy
Thilakerathne, P.M.C. and Bandara R.M.U.S. 2006. “Accounting Curriculum and Information Technology Content: A case Study of Selected Accounting Study Programmes in Sri Lankan Universities”, International Conference on Management for Growth and Development”, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Thilakerathne, P.M.C. and Gunawardena C. 2006. “Exploring the possibility of Introducing the Balance Scorecard for Improving Accounting Education in Sri Lanka”, International Conference on Management for Growth and Development”, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Thilakerathne, P.M.C. Amarasiri, K.P.M.M. and Abeywardena, D.K.Y. 2007 “Seasonality Effect of Emerging Stock Markets: Evidence from Sri Lanka”, 11th International Conference on Sri Lanka Studies, "Social Realities and Natural Environment in Sri Lanka: Insiders' and Outsiders' Perspective" 01 - 03 November 2007, University of Portsmouth, the UK. http://www.slageconr.net/slsnet/11thicsls/abstracts/abs015.pdf
Thilakerathne, P.M.C. 2007 “Governance- Key to Transparency & Accountability”, Annual Conference on Transparency and Accountability – Accounting Technicians Perspective, Association of Accounting Technicians of Sri Lanka
Thilakerathne, P.M.C. and Abeywardena, D.K.Y. 2007 “Investors Attitudes and Investment in Unit Trusts: A Case Study of Sri Lanka” 11th International Conference on Sri Lanka Studies, "Social Realities and Natural Environment in Sri Lanka: Insiders' and Outsiders' Perspective" 01 - 03 November 2007, University of Portsmouth, the UK. http://www.slageconr.net/slsnet/11thicsls/abstracts/abs015.pdf
Thilakerathne, P.M.C. and Basnayake, W.B.M.D, 2013 “A Contemporary Study of Risk Management in Sri Lankan Listed Companies”, International Conference, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. http://repository.rjt.ac.lk/7013/879
Thilakerathne, P.M.C. 2003. “Risk Management an Innovative Approach” Achiever Accountant Journal, Accountancy Students Association, University of Kelaniya
Thilakerathne, P.M.C. and Ranjani, R.P.C. 2003. “Accounting Education and Changing Business Environment”, Achiever Accountant Journal, Accountancy Students Association, University of Kelaniya
Thilakerathne, P.M.C. 2005. “Micro Finance in Sri Lanka: A Powerful Force to Fight Poverty, Achiever Accountant Journal, Accountancy Students Association, University of Kelaniya