Phone: +9477 1474022
- Accounting and Auditing
- Forensic Accounting
- Sustainability Accounting
- Forensic accounting
- Sustainability Accounting and Reporting
- Governance practices
- Audit experience at Ernst and Young (1997-2000)
- Lecturer, Department of Accountancy, University of Kelaniya since 2000
- Director/Operations and Technical Secretariat OTS -AHEAD project, University of Kelaniya from 1/1 /2021
Amila Munasinghe, Thomas Cuckston & Nick Rowbottom (2021) Sustainability certification as marketisation: Rainforest Alliance in the Sri Lankan tea production industry, Accounting Forum, 45:3, 247-272, DOI: 10.1080/01559982.2021.1893053
- Munasinghe M.A.T.K. and Kumara D.C.U.,(2013) Impact of Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Financial Performances of Plantation Companies In Sri Lanka, Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences, Vol.4 N3 ,ISSN 2141-7024, jetems.scholarlinkresearch.org
- Munasinghe A, Malkumari A (2012), Corporate Social Responsibility in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in Sri Lanka, Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies (JETERAPS) 3 (2): 168-172© Scholarlink Research Institute Journals, 2012 (ISSN: 2141-6990) jeteraps.scholarlinkresearch.org
- Munasinghe, M.A.T.K. and Fernando, J.M.R. (2011) Firm characteristics & their effect on Share price movements : Evidence from Sri Lanka, International Journal on Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF) Business Review Vol.1, pp. 227231.http://dl.globalstf.org
- Munasinghe M.A.T.K.(2005),True & Fair view, Compact picture of the elements of True & fair view in relation to financial statements. Journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka. Vol. 40(4). pp29.
Munasinghe, A (2021), The world bank credit facilities influence in framing higher education quality in Sri Lanka: a case study of commerce and management faculty, University of Kelaniya, International Journal of Accounting & Business Finance Vol.7. No. 1 June 2021.
Mohamed A. M. Raazim1 and Munasinghege A. T. K. Munasinghe (2021), “Impact of Destination Attributes on Tourists Destination Selection: With Special Reference to Cultural Triangle of Sri Lanka”, ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism Vol. 19, No. 2, August 2021, pp. 101-111.
Book chapter
- Munasinghe, M.A.T.K., Kumara, S. (2023). The Impact of Private Certifications on Social and Environmental Performance and Integrated Reporting: The Case Study of Watawala Plantations PLC in Sri Lanka. In: Lee, KH., Senaratne, S., Gunarathne, N. (eds) Integrated Reporting (IR) for Sustainability. Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science, vol 34. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-41833-4_13
Full Papers Read and Published at National and International Conference Proceedings
- Munasinghe M.A.T.K and Rowbottom N (2017) Agency of sustainability certifications in developing countries: The Rainforest Alliance and the Sri Lankan tea industry, British Accounting and Finance Annual Conference, Edinburgh
- Munasinghe M.A.T.K.(2015) The agency of global private certifications in tea industry, WestMidland Colloquim, Birmingham, UK
- Munasinge M.A.T.K. and Firdous H.M.(2011) Financial Intermediation and economic growth: The Case of Licensed Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka, Conference proceedings of the 8th International Research Conference on Business Management, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka. p.p.25-32.
- Munasinghe M.A.T.K. and Kumari P.W.N.A.(2011) Web-enabled Sri Lankan listed companies, Conference proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Accounting and Finance, Singapore, Published and organized by Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF). p.p. A172-A176. http://www.globalstf.org.
- Munasinghe M.A.T.K., Fernando J.M.R.(2011), The effects of Firm characteristics on share price: Evidence from Sri Lanka, Conference proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Accounting and Finance, Singapore, Published and organized by Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF). p.p. A191-A194. http://www.globalstf.org.
- Munasinge M.A.T.K.and Rathnasiri U.A.H.A(2011), Undergraduates perception on Quality on Higher Education, Conference proceedings of the Annual International Conference of Qualitative and Quantitative Economics Research, Singapore, Published and organized by Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF). p.p Q-57-Q61. http://www.globalstf.org.
- Munasinge M.A.T.K. and Bandara.R.M.S.(2009), Framework for quality in Accounting Education , Conference proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Business Management, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, pp 32-38.
- Extended Abstracts
- Munasinge M.A.T.K. and Gowri S(2011) Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure by listed companies in Sri Lanka, Conference proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Trends in Innovative Management, Rajarata University, Sri Lanka,pp 85.
- Munasinghe M.A.T.K. and Fernando J.M.R(2009), Internship programmes in Accounting Education, Proceedings of the Vauniya Campus Annual Research Session, , Sri Lanka, pp 6.
- Manjitha, L and Munasinghe A (2021), Solar power as a sustainable energy source and readiness level in Sri Lanka : A review, International Conference on Advances in Technology and Computing, 18 December 2021, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
- M.A.T.K Munasinghe, Muthunayaka, H. and Sujeewa, G.M.M. (2023), ‘’University Industry Collaborations in Designing a first ever internship program for Forensic Accounting undergraduates of the University of Kelaniya’’, Research Conference on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (RCSoTL) -‘Evidence bases practices in Higher Education, held on 26 May 2023 at the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
D.M.D. Jayamanne and M.A.T.K Munasinghe (2023), CSR practices of Small and Medium Enterprises in Sri Lanka: A study of Ten Entrepreneurs in Gampaha District, Sri Lanka Forum of Entrepreneurship, Annual Research Conference, Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka
Munasinghe M.A.T.K. and Weligamage .S(2006), Skills for the Future: Stakeholders’ satisfaction on Trainee Undergraduates, Seventh Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.pp101.
Munasinghe M.A.T.K.(2004) The effect of firm specific characteristics on share prices in Sri Lankan companies. Annual Research Symposium
Best paper award in 2021 by the Accounting Forum journal (indexed in Social Science Citation & Scopus) for the research paper published ‘Sustainability certification as marketisation: Rainforest Alliance in the Sri Lanka tea production industry’.
Senate Honours for conducting high-quality research and publishing in 2021.
Commonwealth Postgraduate Scholarship by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK to pursue the Ph.D. at the University of Birmingham, UK
Vice-Chancellor’s Award-2018 for coordinating and writing the AHEAD project proposal of the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies that won Rs. 100 million grants in the first round of competition