Awarding the DBA

The Doctor of Business Administration degree (DBA) will be awarded to the students who satisfy the following conditions:

General Pass

  1. Obtain total of 90 credits within the six academic year period. (30 credits from course modules and 60 credits from the dissertation)
  2. Obtain grades B+ or better from five compulsory courses and one elective course
  1. Has a minimum of cumulative GPA 3.30 from all course units (including dissertation)
  2. Should obtain a grade of B+ or better for the dissertation

Pass with Distinction

The Candidates will be awarded the DBA with distinction if he/she satisfies all the following conditions:

  1. Obtains grades of A or better in each course units,
  2. Has a minimum cumulative GPA of 4.00 from all course units,
  3. Obtains a grade of A or better for the Dissertation
  4. Completes all the relevant requirements within a period of three academic years

 Additional Requirements

In addition to the 90 credits, students should obtain minimum of 20 points from the following options / combination of options, upon the submission of evidence.

• An article published in an indexed journal (SCI, SCCI, etc) – 12 points
(as the first author)
• An article published in other refereed journals – 6 points
(as the first author)
• A paper presented at an international conference (as the first author)

  Abstract only – 2 points
  with full article publication – 4 points
• Class room teaching, guest lectures, key note speeches and workshops as resource persons at national level academic institutions or any other organization accepted by the Doctoral Committee (DC) of FCMS.
  Less than two hour session – 1 points
  More than two hour session – 2 points

• A book, study guide or monograph published
  A publicly available bound text with ISBN Number – 6 points

As a compulsory requirement student should publish at least two research articles in indexed or other refereed journals and one publication in international conference before the submission of the final dissertation.

Connect with us

DBA Office, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya

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