About Us

About us

What is DBA?

DBA is a ‘professional doctorate’ with a focus on business practice with the deep understanding of related theoretical underpinnings. DBA program and its candidates pivot on making a seminal contribution to their chosen profession and industry. It is designed to enhance executive and professional practice through the application of sound theory and rigorous research into real and complex issues in business and management. It enhances the capability to develop knowledge and theory, and their application. Key features of this program are to develop personal, consultancy and research skills in the context of rigorous and relevant research field.




The DBA is a considerably more structured approach and its aim is to achieve theoretical and practical outcomes through an incremental approach for developing advanced management competencies and research skills. This DBA is designed to fulfill the following objectives.

To contribute to both theory and practice in relation to business and management.

To develop professional practice and to contribute to professional knowledge of management.

To create new knowledge through original/ applied research of a quality that makes a significant contribution to development of the business field and satisfies peer review and merit publication.

To demonstrate critical reading and analytical skills by critically analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating data, making judgments and identifying solutions to problems.

To demonstrate leadership and originality in tackling and solving problems

To exercise personal judgment and responsibility in complexand unpredictable situations in professional and/or managerial environments.


Difference between PhD and DBA
The primary difference between the two is found in program orientation and intended outcome. Often, the business PhD and the DBA are more similar than they are different. In general, the focus of a PhD program is to develop new theory, whereas the focus of a DBA program is to apply theoretical knowledge to the advancement of business practice. Both PhD and DBA programs require original research culminating in the creation and defense of a thesis or dissertation. Among DBA programs, there is a range of emphases with some more oriented toward the application of knowledge and some more oriented toward the creation of knowledge.


Dr. M. R. K. N. Yatigammana
CoordinatorDr. M. R. K. N. Yatigammanakaushalya@kln.ac.lk

Former Coordinators

Prof. C. N. Wickramasinghe
Prof. C. N. Wickramasinghe
Prof. C. Pathirawasam
Prof. C. Pathirawasam
Prof. R A S Weerasiri
Prof. R A S Weerasiri

Connect with us

DBA Office, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya

  • dummy+9411 2903 521

  • dummy+9471 633 3230

  • dummy dbakelaniya@kln.ac.lk


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