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Editorial Note

              We,  the  editors  of  the  Business  Cases  published  by  the  Master  of  Business  Studies  (MBS)  Degree

              program, Department of Commerce and Financial Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management

              Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, are delighted to present Volume 2 of the Case Study book.
              This volume contains the business cases developed by the learning partners of the MBS batch 2 as a partial

              fulfillment of the requirement for the MBS degree. 05 out of 18 business cases submitted by the student
              teams were selected to publish in Volume 02, considering the academic rigour, breadth and depth of the

              case  studies.  The  cases  represent  diverse  business  areas,  including  Marketing,  Human  Resource

              Management, Innovation, Strategic Management, and Operations Management. All the cases are real
              business cases in Sri Lanka, and the content can be used to teach undergraduate and postgraduate students

              in universities.

              We, the editors, would like to state that this is the first time in Sri Lanka that case studies developed by
              postgraduate students are being revised, edited and published for the use of teaching. We would like to

              express our sincere appreciation to the supervisors and the authors of the case studies whose theoretical

              and practical contributions are presented in these Business Cases.


              K.G.M. Nanayakkara, Ph.D.

              N.L.E. Abeywardena, Ph.D.

              D.M.N.S.W. Dissanayake, Ph.D.

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